
This study aims to reveal and describe the ascetic morality of Sheikh Siti Jenar in the heptalogy novels of Shekh Siti Jenar by Agus Sunyoto using the content analysis method. The problem discussed in this research is the ascetic morality of Sheikh Siti Jenar. The data source is the heptalogy novels of Shekh Siti Jenar which is divided into seven volumes, which was the result of a philology research with primary data of approximately 300 manuscripts. The research result was published by LKiS Yogyakarta in the form of stories. The results of this study indicate that the ascetic morality used in the novels is in the form of morality conditioned by humanism and bound by asceticism because it reveals the real issues of human life inreligious issues and how they are socially constructed. The ascetic morality expressed through its main character, Sheikh Siti Jenar, has its own energy to convey the side of human life that is lived like other people live it.

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