
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) provide opportunities for learners to benefit from initiatives that are promoted by prestigious universities worldwide. The introduction of MOOCs in 2008 has since then transformed education globally. Consequently, MOOCs should be acknowledged as a pedagogical innovation and recognized as change agents and facilitators in the transition of opening up education, in the transition from traditional campus education to open online learning arenas, which increases learners’ access to and equity in lifelong learning. There is a need to consider MOOCs as a natural part of universities’ course offerings and business models and to recognize MOOCs as valuable for learners. Furthermore, MOOCs should be regarded as valuable learning and educational initiatives in the same way that journals and books are recognized. Learners should be able to take MOOCs either at their own university or from other providers. Moreover, MOOCs should be valued in policies, strategies, and action plans, and they should be included in processes of quality enhancement and quality assurance. This paper points out the merits of the innovative use of MOOCs in higher education. In this qualitative literature research, a content method analysis was conducted through a systematic review of the literature. Through the findings from the literature research it is suggested that MOOCs could be permanent change agents that boost innovation in higher education learning arenas. In particular, the findings revealed the benefits of MOOCs in various areas, such as lifelong learning, professional competence development, validation of learning, and degree recognition, in addition to clarifying several business models of higher education.


  • Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have become part of the transformation in education by providing opportunities for learners to benefit from the initiatives promoted by prestigious universities worldwide [1,2]

  • The purpose of the present literature review was to explore the implications of MOOCs for lifelong learning and competence development, as agents of innovation and change, as well as their validation, recognition, and use in business models of higher education

  • The student would complete the course work online and make an appointment with the professor on campus to take a test, present a paper, or perform the various activities assigned by the MOOC. This systemic content literature review aimed to reveal the merits of MOOCs as agents of innovation and change in higher education

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Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have become part of the transformation in education by providing opportunities for learners to benefit from the initiatives promoted by prestigious universities worldwide [1,2]. The literature has shown that MOOCs have filled a huge gap in the educational opportunities available for lifelong learners and have widened their participation in higher education [1]. MOOCs should be recognized as learning resources in higher education. Higher education is organized using a strict, linear “downpipe” approach in which students take bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degrees sequentially, usually at the same university. In real life, most students who are enrolled in higher education are aged 25 years or older. They enter and exit the educational system according to their life situations, their needs, demands, and their motivation for

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