The pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus, a centrarchid fish native to eastern North America, was introduced into Europe at the end of the 19th century. Lepomis gibbosus now represents one of the most successful of introduced fish species, having spread widely throughout many European countries. In this study, we collected monogenean parasites of L. gibbosus from four sites in the Danube River Basin. We recorded four monogenean species: Gyrodactylus sp., probably acquired in the area of introduction, and Onchocleidus similis, O. dispar and Actinocleidus recurvatus, species introduced together with their host. Onchocleidus similis dominated the parasite community at all sampling sites. Actinocleidus recurvatus has only been reported from southern Europe to date and, therefore, this is the first report of A. recurvatus from Central Europe and the Danube River Basin. We observed high morphological variability in both anchor pairs of A. recurvatus. Only in O. similis was there a positive correlation observed between haptor metric traits and fish host length. Differences in metric traits between native and introduced O. similis populations may reflect a difference in fish host size, the introduced fish host achieving a smaller size than fish from native populations. A detailed analysis of microhabitat distribution indicated a preference for the second gill arch for both dominant species O. similis and A. recurvatus, with dissimilar site segregation.
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