
Present article deals with assessing the influence of moisture content in thermoplastic material on rheological properties of material. The measurements were carried out on samples of hygroscopic plastics, i.e. plastics that tend to absorb moisture from the surrounding environment. Moisture in plastic material before its processing can have negative influence on physical or thermal properties of a product and can devalue visual aspect of the end product, thus these plastics have to be dried before their processing. Observed samples of materials were placed in three different rooms and measurements of Melt Volume-Flow Rate of thermoplastics were carried out at precisely determined intervals. Moisture content in material was determined by Mettler Toledo HB43-S moisture analyzer. To determine the influence of moisture content on rheological properties of material, a method of determination of Melt Volume-Flow Rate (MVR) of thermoplastics was used. The measurements were performed by using Termo Haake Meltflow MT etxrusion plastometer.

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