
The article investigates the efficiency of the educational process in the conditions of distance learning in Cherkasy region during the second wave of pandemic. In order to check the efficiency of distance learning, the most urgent issues were identified and a questionnaire of teachers was conducted (November-December 2020). The questionnaire was organized due to the assistance of the Uman City Council. In the questionnaire, 150 teachers of Uman schools took part. The analysis of the study conducted by us reveals a number of difficulties and problems of the psychological nature associated with the organization of distance learning (lack of skills to study independently; low motivation to study; enormous workload of students and teachers; lack of communication with teachers and peers; rejection of a distance learning; emotional burnout (for a teacher)).The analysis of modern studies allowed developing a series of methodical advice for teachers about overcoming such problems as the importance of constant communication with students (visual contact); conducting the material in an optimistic tone; providing constant feedback; taking into account the age of children; psychological support and assistance to students.In the course of the study, another problem was discovered. It was connected with the peculiarities of educational activity (working with people, stressful situations, etc.) and innovative constraints caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is characterized by psychoemotional exhaustion, emotional burnout of teachers. In order to prevent the development of this type of teacher professional deformation, the following rules should be observed. Teachers should distribute effectively working hours; critically evaluate own professional, emotional and physical conditions and have access to the necessary professional assistance; create conditions for the formation and restoration of personal resource; follow the rules of psychological safety in the process of professional activity.Teachers, psychologists, methodologists and other participants of the educational process can use developed methodological recommendations.
 Keywords: educational process, distance learning, pandemic, quarantine, teacher questionnaire, psychological problems, psychological support, methodical advice to teachers, age features.

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