Safitri R, Riswanda J, Armanda F. 2020. Monitoring of heavy metal polution the lead (Pb) with bio indicator baung fish (Hemibagrus nemurus) at the Musi River of South Sumatra. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands 9(2): 127-138.The high activity of the community in the musi river waters could affect the quality of river water, and can even caused water pollution and aquatic biota including fish baung (Hemibagrus nemurus) by lead heavy metals (Pb). This study aimed to determine the lead (Pb) heavy metal content of baung fish (H. nemurus) catches of fishermen in the musi river waters of palembang city. This research was conducted in May-June 2019. The method used is quantitative descriptive. The sample of this research is the meat, skin, liver, kidney and gill of baung fish (H. nemurus) which are tested for lead (Pb) heavy metal content using aas (atomic absorption spectrophotometry). The results of this study indicated that the concentration of heavy metal the lead (Pb) in fish baung (H. nemurus) in the waters of the musi river on the average meat of 0.046 mg/kg, on the skin of 0.058 mg/kg, in the liver of 0.1516 mg/kg, in the kidney at 0.2513 mg/kg, and in the gills at 0.2216 mg/kg. The Pb concentration on the meat, skin and liver samples were still below the established quality standards so that they were still suitable for consumption while the kidney and fish gill samples are above the quality standards that have been set based on the regulations of the Regulations Drug and Food Control Agency (DFCA) number 5 of 2018 which is equal to 0.20 mg/kg.
Environmental pollution is a problem that is difficult to solve until now, and has a bad impact on life
Based on the standard metal concentration (Pb) curve in Standard Curve of Lead Metal Concentration ( Pb) (Figure 1), analysis of each sample of the organ of the baung fish was obtained and data obtained from the measurement of the lead metal concentration (Pb) of the baung fish (H. nemurus) are as follows: Data of lead metal concentration (Pb) in baung fish (H. nemurus) was obtained by sampling fish from three vessels based on fishing areas, namely ship 1 with fishing areas in the Lais River area, ship 2 with fishing areas in 14 Ulu and ship 3 with fishing area in Musi II area
Based on measurement data of lead metal concentration (Pb) in baung fish (H. nemurus) in Table 2 above it can be seen that the sample of ship 2 gills, liver, kidney and 3 gills have lead concentration of metal (Pb) which is above the quality standard and unfit for consumption that is based on the regulation of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Indonesia number 5 of 2018 regarding the maximum limit of lead metal contamination (Pb) in fish and fishery products that is equal to 0.20 mg/kg
Environmental pollution is a problem that is difficult to solve until now, and has a bad impact on life. The imbalance in the structure and function of the material cycle occurs due to natural processes or due to human actions. In this modern age, there are many human activities or actions to fulfill biological and technological needs, causing many environmental pollution (Jhon C. and Gram A.M, 2015). Heavy metal is an element which has a density greater than 5g/cm include cd (cadmium), hg (mercury), Pb (lead), zn (zinc) and ni (nickel). Heavy metals such as lead (Pb) are referred to as non-essential metals and to some extent become toxic to living things (Ramlia, et al, 2018). Heavy metals are usually found naturally in soil or rocks and their concentration is increasing due to human activities through gold mining companies, coal and other minerals, motor vehicle fumes and the presence of combustion products from the vehicle industry factory motor vehicles, clothing, electronic materials and the presence of forest fires (Windusari and Sari, 2016)
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