
With a high capacity for adaptation and colonization in many ecological systems, including crops, aphids are interesting models of study. Aphids can cause damages to potato plants by inducing feeding injuries and transmitting plant viruses. In order to evaluate the fluctuations of aphids in potato crop, an investigation was carried out in area of Ţara Bârsei from Braşov (Romania), using 56 years long time series data. To identify the aphid species and to assess the relevance of their structure and abundance, between the years 1963 and 2018, a study of these pests in potato crop was conducted. Aphid monitoring was carried out using the method of yellow water traps, suitable for studies on aphid population structure, abundance and flight activity. Species were identified using keys for identification of alatae aphids. Great differences were observed on aphid structure, abundance, distribution and flight activity over the studied years. For seed potato crop, the greatest interest was presented by Myzus persicae species, the main viral vector from this crop. The monitoring of aphid populations, the analysis of the abundance of aphid species contribute to the knowledge of the activity and evolution of the aphid fauna specific to potato crops over long periods of time.

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