
Monitoring or the s horebirds in Diamante Branco saline, Galinhos, Rio Grand e do Norte, Brazil. Monit orin g of the shorebir ds oflhe Diamante Branco saline located at the municipality of Galinhos, in the coast o f the State o fRio Gra nde do Norte, was initi ated in 1998, with qualitati ve surveys, bird traps using mist net, captured and banding and field observati ons o n the diet of some species. Pa ra mete rs such as constancy were verified, specific diversity was calculated through Pearson correlati on. We regi stered 2 1 species of s horebird s, as fo ll ows: Pluvialis squatarola (Linnaeus , 1758), Charadrius semipalmatus Bonaparte 1825, Arenaria interpres (Li nnaeus, 17 58), Tringaflavipes (Gmelin, 1789), T. melanoleuca (Gmelin , 17 89) a nd AClitis macularia (Linnaeus, 1766). It was observed the reproduction of Charadrius collaris Vieillot, 18 18, C. wilsonia Ord, 18 14 a nd HimanlOpus himanlOpus (Muller, 1776), in the surroundings of lhe saline evaporation tanks. The observation of Calidris himantopus (Bonaparte, 1826) in the evaporation tanks comprised lhe firsl record of the species in Northeastern Brazil. It was ve rified that A. inlerpres, T. .flavipes, T. me/ano/euca and Calidru pusilla (Linnaeus, 1766) feed upon Artemia franciscana (Kell og, 1996) in the first hours ofthe day in lheevaporation tanks. The mean diversity comprised 2 and 3, and the resuJts of equibi lit y s howed thal the species are well dislributed in the samples. A positi ve associati on was registered between Haematopus palliatus Temminck, 1820, C. col/aris, C. wilsonia, and H. himanlopus. These, in turn , associated inversely to A. inlelpres, A. macularia, C. pusilla and C. mimllil/a (Vi eill ot, 18 19), which is possibly due to the fac t that some species are resident, reproducing in lhe locality, with movemenls di sti nct from that specie wich migrate during lhe boreal winter. Traps, surveys, re-traps , and recovers indicale that the Diamante Branco saline comprises na important area for the conservation of the shorebids .

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