
Pituitary tumours diagnosed incidentally on imaging as sellar-suprasellar masses, often undergo unwarranted Neuro-surgical intervention, often leading to the requirement of life-long post-operative hormone supplementation. Although surgery remains the primary modality in most of the Functional (except Prolactinomas) & Non-Functional Pituitary Macro-Adenomas abutting the Optic Chiasma, Several cases are feed-back adenomas due to untreated Hypothyroidism or Drug- Induced Hyperprolactinemia which require a conservative approach.These Pituitary enlargements may not only be Sellar but also at times extend Supra-sellar mimicking a surgically resctable one. In adolescents they come with a constellation of features like severe short stature & primary Amenorrhea in Females. Noteworthy that these symptoms appear commonly in both groups of surgically resectable masses as well as the secondary pituitary enlargements which need conservative approach, thus often resulting in inadvertent Surgical misadventures.We report 3 cases of Adolescent females referred from peripheral centre to the Neuro-Surgical take of our Institute. Both the females had severe short stature with primary amenorrhea. The imaging characteristics in all the three patients were unique in the sense that they had uniform enlargement of the entire Pituitary extending supra-sellar without any focal hypo-intensities without any obvious mid-line shift of the Pituitary stalk & enhanced uniformly in Post-Contrast studies. We also observed that the upper margin of the masses had a uniform convexity resembling a “DOME”. Thorough Endocrine work-up revealed severe Untreated Hypothyroidism with S.TSH greater then 100micro IU/ml. The patients were treated conservatively with Levo-thyroxine supplementation. The patients had significant Height gain with menarche in the following 4-6 months of Therapy. S.TSH normalized after 2-3 months of therapy. Repeat imaging after 6 months of therapy revealed normal Pituitary architecture without the presence of any focal lesions or enlargement.Feedback Adenomas of the Pituitary have been depicted in the literature. “DOME” shaped Pituitary enlargement seems quite unique to all Pituitary masses which can be treated with conservative means. Pituitary masses should therefore undergo thorough Endocrine intervention before any Neuro-Surgical intervention is contemplated, specifically when the incidentally discovered masses have a “DOME” shaped symmetrical upward convexity on imaging.

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