
The characteristics of the nervous systems of a number of organisms in different phyla are examined at the recombinant DNA, protein, neuroanatomic, neurophysiological, and cognitive levels. Among the invertebrates, special attention is paid to the advantages as well as the shortcomings of the fly Drosophila melanogaster, the worm Caenorhabditis elegans, the honey bee Apis mellifera, the sea hare Aplysia californica, the octopus Octopus vulgaris, and the squid Loligo pealei. Among vertebrates, the focus is on Homo sapiens, the mouse Mus musculus, the rat Rattus norvegicus, the cat Felis catus, the macaque monkey Macaca fascicularis, the barn owl Tyto alba, and the zebrafish Brachydanio rerio. Vertebrate nervous systems have also been compared in fossil vs. extant organisms. I conclude that complex nervous systems arose in the Early Cambrian via a big bang that was underpinned by a modular method of construction involving massive pleiotropy of gene circuits. This rapidity of construction had enormous implications for the degrees of freedom that were subsequently available to evolving nervous systems. I also conclude that at the level of neuronal populations and interactions of neuropiles there is no model system between phyla except at the basic macromolecular level. Further, I argue that to achieve a significant understanding of the functions of extant nervous systems we need to concentrate on fewer organisms in greater depth and manipulate genomes via transgenic technologies to understand the behavioral outputs that are possible from an organism. Finally, I analyze the concepts of "perceptual categorization" and "information processing" and the difficulties involved in the extrapolation of computer analogies to sophisticated nervous systems.

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