
We have investigated intermolecular interactions and conformational features of the netropsin complexes with d(G1-G2-A3-A4-T5-T6-C7-C8) duplex (AATT 8-mer) and the d(G1-G2-T3-A4-T5-A6-C7-C8) duplex (TATA 8-mer) by one and two-dimensional NMR studies in solution. We have assigned the amide, pyrrole and methylene protons of netropsin and the base and sugar H1' protons of the nucleic acid from an analysis of the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOESY) and correlated (COSY) spectra of the complex at 25 degrees C. The directionality of the observed distance-dependent NOEs demonstrates that the 8-mer helices remain right-handed and that the arrangement of concave and convex face protons of netropsin are retained in the complexes. The observed changes in NOE patterns and chemical shift changes on complex formation suggest small conformational changes in the nucleic acid at the AATT and TATA antibiotic binding sites and possibly the flanking G.C base pairs. We observe intermolecular NOEs between all three amide and both pyrrole protons on the concave face of the antibiotic and the minor groove adenosine H2 proton of the two central A4.T5 base pairs of the AATT 8-mer and TATA 8-mer duplexes. The concave face pyrrole protons of the antibiotic also exhibit NOEs to the sugar H1' protons of residues 5 and 6 in the AATT and TATA 8-mer complexes. We also detect intermolecular NOEs between the guanidino and propioamidino methylene protons at either end of netropsin and the adenosine H2 proton of the two flanking A3.T6 base pairs in the AATT 8-mer and T3.A6 base pairs in the TATA 8-mer duplexes. These studies establish a set of nine contacts between the concave face of the antibiotic and the minor groove AATT segment and TATA segment of the 8-mer duplexes in solution. The observed magnitude of the NOEs require that there be no intervening water molecules sandwiched between the concave face of the antibiotic and the minor groove of the DNA so that release of the minor groove spine of hydration is a prerequisite for netropsin complex formation. The observed differences in the netropsin amide proton chemical shifts in the AATT 8-mer and TATA 8-mer complexes suggest differences in the strength and/or type of intermolecular hydrogen bonds at the AATT and TATA binding sites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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