
This study describes a novel species of Haplozoon, H. ezoense n. sp., a dinoflagellate parasite isolated from the intestines of Praxillella pacifica (Polychaeta). Trophonts (feeding stages) of H. ezoense n. sp. were isolated and studied with scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and molecular phylogenetic analyses was performed using 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA. Trophonts had an average length of 120μm, and were linear, forming a single longitudinal row comprising a trophocyte with a stylet, an average of 14 gonocytes (width=10μm), and bulbous cells that we concluded were likely sporocytes. The surface of H. ezoense n. sp. was covered with projections of the amphiesma. Sections viewed under TEM revealed multiple triple membrane-bound organelles reminiscent of relic non-photosynthetic plastids within the gonocytes. Haplozoon ezoense n. sp., H. praxillellae, and H. axiothellae formed a well-supported clade in the 18S rDNA datasets. The sequences of H. ezoense n. sp. differed from H. praxillellae, a species of Haplozoon isolated from the same host species in the Northeast Pacific, at 88/1,748 bases; and 155/1,752 bases from H. axiothellae. Concatenated 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA datasets were unable to resolve the deeper relationships of Haplozoon in the context of dinoflagellates.

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