To explore the molecular mechanism underlying the DEL phenotype among RhD negative ethnic Han individuals from Jiangsu, China. The DEL phenotype was determined by an adsorption elution test among 57 RhD negative blood donors. The Rh C, c, E, and e phenotypes were detected by a tube method. PCR with sequence-specific primering (PCR-SSP) assay was used to determine the RHCE genotypes. The RHD gene of the DEL individuals were amplified with polymerase chain reaction and subjected to Sanger sequencing analysis. Among the 57 RhD negative donors, 10 (17.54%) were determined as having the DEL phenotype. The major RhCE phenotypes for DEL and RhD negative cases were RhCcee (80.0%) and Rhccee (61.7%), respectively. All RHD gene sequences of the 10 individuals have harbored a G>A mutation at position 1227 of exon 9. A proportion of RhD negative individuals determined by routine serological method are actually DEL with RHD gene mutations. RHD *1227A is the most prevalent DEL genotype among ethnic Han Chinese from Jiangsu. Further research on the phenotype and underlying molecular mechanism of DEL is important for blood transfusion.
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