The formation and budding of lipid droplets (LDs) are known to be governed by the LD size and by membrane tensions in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) bilayer and LD-monolayers. Using coarse-grained simulations of an LD model, we first show that ER-embedded LDs of different sizes can form through a continuous transition from wide LD lenses to spherical LDs at a fixed LD size. The ER tendency to relax its bilayer modulates the transition via a subtle interplay between the ER and LD lipid densities. By calculating the energetic landscape of the LD transition, we demonstrate that this size-independent transition is regulated by the mechanical force balance of ER and LD-tensions, independent from membrane bending and line tension whose energetic contributions are negligible according to our calculations. Our findings explain experimental observation of stable LDs of various shapes. We then propose a novel mechanism for directional LD budding where the required membrane asymmetry is provided by the exchange of lipids between the LD-monolayers. Remarkably, we demonstrate that this budding process is energetically neutral. Consequently, LD budding can proceed by a modest energy input from proteins or other driving agents. We obtain equal lipid densities and membrane tensions in LD-monolayers throughout budding. Our findings indicate that unlike LD formation, LD budding by inter-monolayer lipid exchange is a tension-independent process.
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