
Summery91 samples were collected for both soybeans and soybean meal as well as rice cereals. Obtained during the current study period that started from December 2019 until March 2020, and samples were transferred to the Food Laboratory in the College of Veterinary Medicine University of Karbala. DNA was isolated from dry vegetable isolates (soybean and its by-products and rice cereals) for the varieties approved in the study using prepared protocol steps. When measuring the optical density (OD) of the DNA of all isolates, most purity values were found between (1.7 - 2.0). During the current study period, two molecular methods were used to investigate GM crops. The first method was the investigation using the PCR polymerase chain reaction in this method. Two primers were used, and they are commonly used in genetic modification. They are the CaMV-35S promoter and the terminator Nos terminator in the present study. The second method is detection using the douplex PCR chain. The current results showed that three genotypes out of seventeen genotypes belonging to the soybean meal were genetically modified containing the catalyst and terminator for the same sample of healthy Fead No. 1 soybean samples, Healthy Fead No. 2, and Healthy Fead soybean meal. No.3 using both the mono PCR chain reaction and the douplex PCR chain reaction. While all samples tested for rice grains using the same primers for the current study showed that they are free from genetic modification using the Conventioal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique.

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