
A karyotype analysis was carried out on the European Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser sturio (2n=121 +/- 3). The telomeric sequence repeat (TTAGGG)n detected by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) was mostly localized at the telomeres of all chromosomes. Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) genes were detected by silver staining techniques and by FISH with digoxigenin-labelled probe for 28S rDNA. Silver staining detected active NORs in the telomeric regions of six chromosomes, and by FISH one or two additional minor sites were detected. The 5S rDNA was found in the interstitial region of a small metacentric pair. The 5S rRNA gene was completely sequenced for the first time in a sturgeon species. The A. sturio karyotype organization is discussed in relation to phylogenesis of the species within the Acipenseridae and to polyploidization events characterizing sturgeon evolution.

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