
In the current work, we used molecular approaches to collect and characterise bacteria that produce amylase from soil. Based on clear zones, three species were separated using iodine agar plates. Then, these bacterial isolates were characterised by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Based on 16S rRNA analysis, the bacterial isolates were identified as Bacillus cerus, Bacillus subtilis, and Bacillus stratosphericus. In addition, numerous growth parameters were tuned to produce the most amylase possible. For both 24 and 48 hours, the isolates' maximum optical density for growth was seen at pH 7.0. Compared to nitrogen and peptone, all three of the bacterial isolates produced the greatest amount of amylase when maltose was utilised as the carbon source. Further investigation is needed to determine which novel isolates in this site have the highest amylase activity. Our findings indicate that this enzyme has a variety of potential industrial applications.

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