
We investigated the molecular bases for a mild phenotype by alpha-, beta- and gamma-globin gene analyses in 22 patients with transfusion-independent thalassemia intermedia (15) or a late-presenting form of thalassemia major (7) originating from Puglia, a region of southern Italy. Twenty-two patients with thalassemia major served as controls. The beta+ IVS-I nt 6 of the beta-globin gene and the C----T substitution at position -158 5' of the G gamma-globin gene were detected more frequently in patients with thalassemia intermedia or late-presenting thalassemia major considered together as compared to those affected by typical transfusion-dependent thalassemia major. Three of 15 patients with thalassemia intermedia had the triple alpha-globin gene arrangement in the heterozygous (2) or homozygous state (1) in association with heterozygous beta zero-thalassemia. From these results, we may conclude that the inheritance of a mild beta-thalassemia allele such as the beta+ IVS-I nt 6 mutation, in the homozygous or heterozygous state, the coinheritance with homozygous beta zero-thalassemia of the -158 (C----T) G gamma gene promoter mutation and the presence of heterozygous beta-thalassemia/triple alpha-globin gene arrangement are the most common reasons accounting for the development of attenuated forms of beta-thalassemia in Puglia.

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