
VOx precursor thin films were fabricated by metal-organic decomposition (MOD). Then, the films were fired with a temperature of 500-720°C, time of 5-20 min and pressure of 1.2-10 Pa in O2 and the air (O2: 21%). The composition of VOx thin films, after the precursor films were fired at 650°C for 10 min, changed as V2O5 → V3O7 → V6O13 → VO2 with decreasing the firing pressure in O2. A phase transition (metal-insulator transition: MIT) was observed for the VOx thin film containing VO2 in R-T characteristic. However, the electrical properties were poor. On the other hand, VOx thin film after the precursor films were fired at 650°C for 10 min under the pressure of 1.2 Pa in the air exhibited an abrupt transition, with a resistance change of 3 orders of magnitude, and a temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) was 4.6 %/K. Furthermore, the VOx film also exhibited an electrically triggered MIT in I-V characteristic and a switching operation with a threshold voltage of ∼6.0 V. These characteristics obtained by the VOx thin film are applicable to bolometer detectors and switch devices.

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