
In previous papers, the present authors have shown that the galactic anisotropy is modulated due to cosmic ray orbital deflection in the heliomagnetosphere, and that the sidereal time daily variations of galactic origin can be expressed using the basic vectors, which have been obtained by calculating trajectories of cosmic rays in a model magnetosphere having Parker's Archimedian spiral structure with a flat or a wavy neutral sheet. In the present paper, the magnetic irregularities superposed on the Parker's spiral field have been taken into account, which cause the scattering of cosmic rays and disturb their orbits. We examined the fluctuations of asymptotic directions calculating their orbits by the Monte-Carlo simulation, based on the theory of the multiple scattering process. It is shown that the dispersion of the projected deviation angle is determined mainly by the scattering mean free path and by the structure of the order magnetic field, e.g. the polarity state of the heliomagnetosphere and the extent of the neutral sheet. We investigated also the influence of the fluctuations of asymptotic directions on the sidereal daily variation. It is found that, under some conditions, the scattering causes only the attenuation of the amplitude of the basic vector, and does not change its phase. The attenuation is negligibly small at high rigidities larger than ~ 1000 GV, but becomes more serious with decreasing rigidity. The rigidity dependence curve of the attenuation rate was calculated for various cases. A simple and approximate method is also presented for the derivation of those curves for any value of the magnitude of the mean free path and for various model magnetospheres. It is noted, however, that the lower limiting rigidity below which the present method is not applicable is relatively high in the Positive polarity state.

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