
Protein lysine crotonylation has been recently identified as a vital posttranslational modification in cellular processes, particularly through the modification of histones. We show that lysine crotonylation is an important modification of the cytoplastic and mitochondria proteins. Enzymes in glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, fatty acid metabolism, glutamine metabolism, glutathione metabolism, the urea cycle, one-carbon metabolism, and mitochondrial fusion/fission dynamics are found to be extensively crotonylated in pancreatic cancer cells. This modulation is mainly controlled by a pair of crotonylation writers and erasers including CBP/p300, HDAC1, and HDAC3. The dynamic crotonylation of metabolic enzymes is involved in metabolism regulation, which is linked with tumor progression. Interestingly, the activation of MTHFD1 by decrotonylation at Lys354 and Lys553 promotes the development of pancreatic cancer by increasing resistance to ferroptosis. Our study suggests that crotonylation represents a metabolic regulatory mechanism in pancreatic cancer progression.

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