Taking into account relaxing Kerr nonlinearity and walk-off effects, the conditions and gain spectra of cross-phase modulation-induced modulational instability (XPM-MI) of two incoherently copropagating optical waves of different frequencies and same polarization are investigated. We devote particular attention to the mixed case in which one pulse propagates under the normal group-velocity dispersion (GVD) regime, while the second one is under an anomalous GVD regime. We unveil that in the limit of an instantaneuous nonlinear response, the typical frequency with maximum gain converges to a finite value in the mixed GDV regime, while it continuously grows with the group-velocity mismatch in the normal GVD regime. As a result, the maximum gain typically decreases with the group-velocity mismatch in the mixed regime, contrasting with the opposite trend in the normal GVD regime. Further, we show that besides the mode having maximum gain at a frequency decaying with $1/{\ensuremath{\tau}}^{1/3}$ in the slow response limit, there is a second mode having maximum gain with a distinct scaling behavior ${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Omega}}}_{\text{max}}\ensuremath{\propto}1/\ensuremath{\tau}$ in the absence of group-velocity mismatch. The associated maximum gains scale, respectively, as $1/{\ensuremath{\tau}}^{2/3}$ and $1/\ensuremath{\tau}$, thus signaling the corresponding quadratic and linear dispersion relation of these modes in the low-frequency limit. A detailed analysis of the influence of the nonlinear response time and group-velocity dispersion on the MI gain spectrum is also provided.
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