
The pandemic that hit the world in 2020 significantly affected global business and the fashion industry. Companies have been forced to rethink their current way of doing business, while consumers have reviewed their priorities, emerging needs and constraints, care for health, the environment, and the community. All these aspects together have shaped a slightly different global fashion market and companies' business practices, which have made great efforts to maintain their status, audience, and sales. The focus of this paper is Milan's "Fashion Week" held during 2020 and innovative technological solutions that serve to compensate for the limitations imposed by circumstances. Also, there's a few words about other (un)predictable situations such as price fluctuations, closure of production plants, overcoming safety and environmental challenges, and sustainable business.


  • Svetska pandemija virusa Covid-19 nametnula je brojne izazove svim industrijama, pa tako i modnoj

  • Čime zameniti taj nedostatak “analognog” iskustva događaja i danas ostaje veliki izazov za modnu industriju?

  • (2020), Flying fur prices put fox in focus as mink cull sparks shortage, december 2020, dostupno na url: https://www.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idINKBN28O007?edition-redirect=in, posećeno 18.07.2021

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Sve je počelo u Danskoj koja je bila najveći izvoznik nerca na svetu (40% svetskog tržišta), kada je ubijeno 17 miliona jedinki. Taj pokolj u Danskoj [10] je mnogo uticao na cene različitih vrsta krzna, pa su modne kuće poput Luj Vitona, Diora i Fendija počele da kupuju krzna lisice i činčile kako bi popunile nedostatke nastale na globalnoj industriji krzna (vrednoj oko 22 milijarde dolara godišnje). Cene luksuznih proizvoda se nisu menjale, iako je potražnja za njima bila smanjena. Kada je reč o luksuznoj klasi modnih proizvoda, uticaj krize će osetiti mnoge kompanije koje neće dostići projektovane poslovne ciljeve (nastale pre Kovida). Istovremeno, očekuje se porast internetske prodaje i nakon pandemije, što je dobra vest. Opala je i prodaja cipela, kaputa i biznis odela (mnogi su promenili način oblačenja na poslu i nakon što su ublažene mere). Mode, podstakle su poznate brendove, poput H&M-a, da u svoju ponudu uključe kolekcije odeće načinjene od recikliranog plastičnog otpada iz okeana, recikliranog stakla, plastike i organske svile, što je jedan od prvih koraka ka održivoj budućnosti mode. [16] U okvire brige o potrošačima pored niske cene i dostupnosti proizvoda ušla je i briga o ekosistemu, pravima radnika, briga o životinjama isl

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