
Tingkat kesenangan dalam mengikuti kegiatan olahraga merupakan salah satu komponen yang menyebabkan atlet usia muda memutuskan berhenti atau semakin termotivasi menekuni kegiatan olahraga. Berlatih dan mengikuti pertandingan merupakan aktivitas utama dalam interaksi pembinaan olahraga menuju prestasi optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh modifikasi peraturan pertandingan yang diimplementasikan pada kompetisi sepak bola usia muda terhadap tingkat kesenangan pemain. Menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan 20 sekolah sepak bola mengikuti kompetisi dengan peraturan permainan yang telah dimodifikasi. Pemain yang didaftarkan oleh timnya berjumlah rata-rata 13,8 pemain berusia 9-12 tahun. Jumlah pemain yang mengisi kuisoner tingkat kesenangan berjumlah 238 Pemain. Setiap pemain diminta mengisi kuisoner sebelum dan setelah kompetisi, kuesioner tersebut dianalisis dengan teknik uji mean dan persentase. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan skor rata-rata sebelum mengikuti kompetisi 4,10 sedangkan setelah mengikuti kompetisi menjadi 4,47, yang berarti terjadi peningkatan 8,88%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kesenangan pemain mengalami peningkatan setelah mengikuti kompetisi. Modifikasi rule of the game pada kompetisi berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kesenangan pemain dalam interaksi pembinaan sepak bola usia muda. Pelatih, pengurus, panitia penyelenggara pertandingan diharapkan memiliki paradigma berpikir dan pengambilan kebijakan yang positif terhadap penyelenggaraan kompetisi pada pemain sepak bola usia muda.Rule of the game of organizing youth football player competitions: can improve level of enjoyment in coaching interactions?AbstractThe level of enjoyment in participating in sports activities is one component that causes young athletes to decide to stop or become more motivated to pursue sports activities. Practicing and participating in competitions are the main activities in sports coaching interactions towards optimal performance. This study aims to determine the effect of modifying the match rules implemented in youth soccer competitions on the level of enjoyment of players. Using an experimental method with 20 soccer schools participating in a competition with modified game rules. Players registered by his team amounted to an average of 13.8 players aged 9-12 years. The number of players who are willing to fill out the pleasure level questionnaire is 238 players. Each player was asked to fill out a questionnaire before and after the competition, the questionnaire was analyzed using the mean and percentage test technique. The results of data analysis showed the average score before participating in the competition was 4.10 while after participating in the competition it was 4.47, which means an increase of 8.88%. The results showed that the level of enjoyment of the players increased after participating in the competition. Modification of the rule of the game in competition affects the level of enjoyment of players in the interaction of youth soccer coaching. Coaches, administrators, and match organizers are expected to have a positive paradigm of thinking and policy making towards the organization of competitions for young soccer players.

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