
Atomic transition rates used in plasma modeling are themselves affected by the plasma environment. The effect of plasma ions is conveniently represented by a time-dependent electric field and the resulting changes in the various rates by this field are presented as plasma enhancement factors, in compact and user friendly forms. They apply to radiative deexcitation, collisional excitation and deexcitation, radiative recombination, collisional ionization, three-body recombination and Auger ionization. The enhancement factors are scaled in terms of three parameters; principal quantum number(s) n of atomic bound state(s), plasma density N ̃ = N Z 3 and (ionic) temperature T ̃ p = T p (μ pZ 2) , where Z is the charge of the ionic core. Although the enhancement factors that involve high Rydberg states are as large as 10 3 in the range of interest of N ̃ and T ̃ p , their effects on the plasma kinetics may be small since the atomic rates strongly decrease with n and the role of high Rydberg states is suppressed by plasma field ionization and by Debye shielding.

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