
The issue of security and privacy has gained interest in the area of data and information. The inevitable occurrence of threats, both inside and outside, hovers the security and confidence of the stored data. Therefore, it is necessary to secure data by using a certain method in data encryption thereby maintaining and saving the stored data. One of the encrypting methods is conducted through the RC4 Algorithm, a fast encryption method, which is due to its popularity, the RC4 Algorithm becomes a vulnerable object for the attack. Such data vulnerability is generated from the permutation of the initial state, presenting similarities between the stream and secret key. This study is hence expected to improve the security of the RC4 Algorithm by modifying the Two States Table and the Initial State Factorial. This modification thus could improve the randomness of the Key Scheduling Algorithm (KSA), enabling the slower performance than the C4 Algorithm, but on the aspect of security, the modified RC4 Algorithm is considered safer and more resistant to repeal the Brute Force and Bit Flipping attacks than that in the RC4 Algorithm. The testing is conducted by attacking the data using the Brute Force and the Flipping, proving that the modification of the RC4 Algorithm has longer durability than the RC4 Algorithm.

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