
Security is an essential aspect in the sending information. One of the data security methods is by using Cryptography. The methods used in this study, i.e., hybrid cryptosystem. The hybrid cryptosystem is one way of combining two different algorithms which are using a symmetric algorithm such as RC4 and asymmetric algorithm such as LUC. The RC4 algorithm will be used to encrypt or to decrypt files and LUC algorithm will be used to encrypt or to decrypt the key algorithm RC4. Tools that will apply to build the system are by using the Java programming language and Android Studio. Testing of the system utilizing encryption and decryption of files. The result of the system testing is the system will convert plain text into cipher text which in turn into the decimal using ASCII character code. In the algorithm LUC, the processing time required will be longer if the value of primes was a large number. Encryption and decryption time needed on both algorithms are proportional linearly with the length of the message. Based on the results of the research the average time needed to process the encryption with the RC4 algorithm and LUC are 287.06 ms and ms 74.86 whereas the average time for the process of decryption by using the RC4 algorithm and LUC was 53.43 ms and 94.26 ms.

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