
The aim of the research paper is to highlight modifications of genres of liturgical and para-liturgical music in the works of modern Ukrainian composers and to outline trends in genre changes in this area. Research methods. The research was based on the following methods: source study and musical analysis (in studying the source base), comparison, analysis and synthesis (in comparing the new derived genre formations with primary generic genre models of liturgical and para-liturgical music), generalization (in identifying trends and developing research conclusions). Scientific novelty. The research paper consolidated the modifications of liturgical and para-liturgical music genres found in modern works of Ukrainian composers and showed the trends towards genre renewal. Results and conclusions. There has been the revival of the interest shown by modern composers in all traditional genres of Ukrainian liturgical and paraliturgical music. Modern interpretations of liturgical genres in the works of Ukrainian composers can be considered an individual rethinking of a permanent religious and ceremonial tradition (in Soviet times – on the fringes of cultural life), which, with the fall of Communism, received a new impetus for further development. The new works of the liturgical genre were roughly divided into devotional and concert because composers used innovative musical language that was different from what the clergy, worshippers and lay public had been accustomed to. A similar dynamics of development is observed in the genre of spiritual songs, which, having survived the semi-underground Soviet period, were divided into para-liturgical pieces, choral religious pieces for concert performance, and chamber religious pieces accompanied by musical instruments. Instead, the genre of choral concert was actually revived after many years of neglect. It gave rise to various branches based on sacred or secular content of works. Such invariant of the genre as a folk concert proved to be a real find. Bible psalms that once inspired authors to compose liturgical and para-liturgical music are transformed into a separate genre of non-liturgical choral music in the works of many modern composers. The modern trends towards genre modifications (synthesis, transformation, modernization), which are often supplemented with theatrical performancer means, leave ample room for further research in this area.

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