
Purpose: of the study is to substantiate the possibility of carrying out structural, spatial and technological modernization of the economy of the macroregion.Methods: the study used a systematic approach and the postulates of the modernization theory. The trend analysis was carried out with the help of statistical data. The predictive analytics methods were used to predict possible changes.Results: external shocks (economic crises and sanctions measures) to which the regions are exposed force them to adapt to a new condition and necessitate structural, spatial and technological modernization. The assessment of the structural state of the economy of the district based on the use of various statistical indicators revealed that the largest contribution to the creation of the regional domestic product is made by industries that belong to the non-manufacturing sector. There is nothing critical in this fact, but for lagging and problem regions, including the study district, it is most acceptable to ensure the dominance of industries in the manufacturing sector. It is possible to implement such an approach through structural, spatial and technological modernization.Many problems associated with changes in the structure of the economy are not solved due to the low technological base of enterprises in the real sector. Possible solutions to such problems are in the field of technological modernization and improving the quality of fixed capital. An important role in the implementation of these processes is assigned to the use of advanced technologies and special software products. To a greater extent, this applies to economic entities of the real sector, which form the framework of the economy.Conclusions and Relevance: the implementation of the modernization approach for the district is associated with certain problems. To solve them, it is possible to use various tools, including plans, strategies, programs, program-target management methods, and others. To carry out structural, spatial and technological modernization of the economy of the district, the most effective is the use of project management methods. The peculiarity of project management is that its methods can be adapted to the conditions of different regions, which differ in the parameters of socio-economic development.

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