
This article explains the construction of inheritance law built by the Counter Legal Draft-Compilation of Islamic Law (CLD-KHI) and how it is relevant to the challenges and agenda of reforming Islamic family law in Indonesia in the future. For data collection, a literature review in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials is used. The specification of this research is descriptive analytical, which aims to provide a description carried out using qualitative methods from legal theories and legal doctrines as well as the opinions of Islamic law experts. It can be concluded that the concepts and ideas of CLD-KHI thinking in inheritance law have the spirit of legal liberalisation. The method used is to capture the spirit of a Qur'anic text or prophet's hadith so as to obtain the universal message of the text, namely the public good and the purpose of the sharia, not the literal meaning contained in the text of the verse. So it is very natural that since its inception in 2004 until now, the ideas and thoughts of CLD-KHI have not only caused prolonged polemics, but also tremendous rejection from various groups.

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