
The socioeconomic significance of chronic venous leg ulcers is considerable due to the high number of patients, the costs of diagnosis and therapy, the deterioration in quality of life, and the loss of working capacity during the disease. This is further increased by aprogressive course and an increased tendency to recurrence. Taking these facts into account, surgical treatment options are of particular importance, especially in otherwise therapy-refractory courses. For this purpose, an extensive spectrum of surgical and new, partly not yet finally evaluated, invasive techniques are now available. Venous surgery and endovenous closure techniques are suitable for eliminating primary or secondary varicosis as acausal therapy for venous leg ulcers. Shave therapy is the method of choice in the presence of dermatolipo(fascio)sclerosis. Current long-term results show good results with cure rates of 70-80%. In individual cases, surgical techniques involving fascia cruris (faciotomy, fasciotomy) can also be used. Recurrence ulcers can often be successfully treated by repeated shave therapy, optionally with simultaneous vacuum-assisted dressing techniques or by afasciotomy. In addition, local invasive techniques such as autologous fat tissue transplantation or autologous platelet-rich plasma can be used to promote wound healing. Thus, both surgically invasive local therapy and advanced surgery of the causes of chronic venous leg ulcers play akey role in the overall therapy concept.

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