
The article makes an attempt to comprehend the current trends in the organization of the educational process at the university. The need for changes in the field of education is due to the social order of the digital society. The author considers the possibilities of modernizing the organization of the educational process at the university on the basis of pedagogical supports, the formation of metasubject competence, changes in the interaction of a teacher and a student, digitalization, taking into account the psychological characteristics of generation Z, which basically do not have a pronounced channel of information perception (they are digital) and interact well with digital devices. Taking into account the modern educational paradigm of teaching in higher education, metasubject results are described that lead to the formation of the student's metasubject competence and the teacher's meta-literacy and metareflection. The micromodels of the organization of the modern educational process at the university from reproductive to heuristic are shown. Variants of the use of pedagogical supports for the formation of basic skills (soft and hard) of a future specialist in the framework of professional and personal development are proposed.

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