
As in the Russian Federation level of consumption of confectionery is traditionally high, the confectionery industry on outputs is one of the largest parts of the food industry. At the moment the enterprises of the confectionery industry conduct the activity in the conditions of the high competition, both from the domestic сompanies, and from foreign producers. Besides, such political and macroeconomic factors as sharp falling of ruble exchange rate and the imposed sanctions have had an adverse effect on the Russian enterprises of the confectionery industry. Thus, in spite of the fact that the confectionery branch is one of quickly developing branches of the food industry, it faces a number of problems. In article the main modern problems of the confectionery industry which are connected with specifics of this branch are considered. The special attention is paid to dependence of the domestic confectionery industry on import raw materials and weak advertizing. Also in work the measures for development of the confectionery industry taken from the state namely the key moments «Strategy of development of the food industry of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020» are considered, extent of implementation of the given program for development of the confectionery industry is analyzed. The author of article sets as the purpose to offer solutions of problems on the example of the Russian enterprise of the confectionery industry of Joint-Stock Company «Krasnyj Octyabr». In compliance with this purpose the following tasks have been set: to consider features of the confectionery industry, to analyse a modern economic situation, to reveal the main problems, to offer actions for the solution of problems on the example of one of leaders in production of confectionery in the Russian market − to JSC «Krasnyj Octyabr». In article the conclusion has been drawn that proposed measures have to be focused on the solution of the main system problems, formation of new industrial potential, modernization and development of innovations in the confectionery industry.

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