
t. Based on statistical data, the article analyzes the transformation of the migration movement of the population of the Krasnodar Territory in the context of natural decline and a pandemic of coronavirus infection. It is shown that in the region, as well as in Russia as a whole, there is a deterioration in demographic development. Due to the excess of the death rate over the birth rate in the region, the natural population decline resumed in 2017, the volume of which increased 8.5 times by 2020. The demographic indicators worsened especially noticeably in 2020, primarily in relation to the mortality rate of the population, the level of which has sharply increased. Despite the deteriorating demographic situation, the number of residents of the Kuban continued to increase, while in the Russian Federation in recent years the absolute population began to decline. An analysis of the components of population change showed that the determining factor in the increase in the number of Kuban residents was migration gain, which not only compensated for the natural decline in the population, but also ensured an increase in the number of inhabitants of the region. It was revealed that significant changes took place in the migration movement of the Krasnodar Territory in the analyzed period: the intensity of migration processes has noticeably decreased, and in recent years, the volume of net migration has also decreased. The region’s contribution to the total migration gains of the Southern Federal District has significantly decreased - in 2020 the region’s share in the total migration growth of the district amounted to only 31.6% versus 78.9% in 2017. The decrease in the volume of net migration was mainly due to a decrease in the number of arrivals to the region, which is not least due to quarantine measures to combat the pandemic

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