
The aim of the article is to determine the optimal forms and methods of organizing independent cognitive activity of students in terms of distance learning. A set of general scientific research methods was used to solve the tasks set in the work: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological psychological and pedagogical literature, synthesis, comparison, classification, systematization, scientific interpretation and modeling. The results of the research. The article analyzes modern approaches to clarifying the concept of «independent cognitive activity»; psychological features and mechanisms of activation of independent cognitive activity of students are considered; the conditions of effective organization of independent cognitive activity of students are determined; the author’s technology for development of cognitive independence, formation of positive motivation of training, skills of self-organization and self-regulation, development of reflective thinking by effective forms and methods of training is offered. Conclusions. It is established that the organization of independent cognitive activity of students promotes the development of their self-organization and self-control, creative search, deepening of acquired knowledge and methods of their application, reflective thinking, cognitive activity, systematization, generalization and responsibility for the result. It is investigated that for formation of independent cognitive activity of students the most effective forms and methods of work are method of problem situations, method of reflection, method of discussion, method of case-study, method of heuristic conversation, method of brainstorming, goal setting technique, project method and online learning technologies.

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