
The article proposes to consider the author's results of determining the conceptual provisions for optimizing the areas of administrative and legal regulation of state cybersecurity policy. The content of the current state of state policy in the field of cybersecurity is considered. Theoretical and practical aspects of optimization of legal relations in the field of state cybersecurity policy are analyzed. The interpretation of the state cybersecurity policy of Ukraine is determined – the activity of state and legal institutions to manage real and potential cyber threats and dangers to meet the cyber needs of man and citizen, as well as the realization of national interests in this area. The own vision of directions of the state cybersecurity policy according to the maintenance of a number of regulatory legal acts is offered, namely: directions of the state cybersecurity policy according to the Law of Ukraine «About the basic principles of maintenance of cybersecurity of Ukraine»; directions of the state cybersecurity policy in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine»; directions of the state cybersecurity policy in accordance with the Doctrine of Information Security of Ukraine. It is concluded that the priority areas for optimizing state policy to strengthen the administrative and legal regulation of cybersecurity of the state are the following reforming cyber law as a segment of information legislation of Ukraine, especially in terms of not only clearly defining current threats and threats to cyber security, but also mechanisms public policy, including symmetric cyber measures; research on the protection of critical infrastructure from cyberattacks; promoting the development of domestic innovative products that can be used to strengthen the cybersecurity of the state; completion of the implementation of the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime into national law; optimization of the training system in the field of cybersecurity for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other bodies of the security and defense sector of Ukraine; promoting a more active policy of state security institutions to inform the public about cyber threats; promoting the militarization of cyberspace; support for both existing multilateral training sessions on countering cyberattacks on the state information infrastructure, and initiating new types of such training sessions. Key words:cybersecurity, cyberspace, state policy, cybersecurity policy, cybercrime.

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