
Розглядаються питання адміністративно-правового регулювання державної політики у сфері освіти України, зокрема, поняття, зміст і нормативна основа адміністративно-правового регулювання у цій сфері, його окремі недоліки, визначаються поняття, основні напрями та принципи і пріоритети державної політики у сфері освіти, суб’єкти, уповноважені визначати, формувати та реалізувати таку політику. Рассматриваются вопросы административно-правового регулирования государственной политики в сфере образования Украины, в частности, понятие, смысл и нормативная основа административно-правового регулирования в этой сфере, его отдельные недостатки, определяются понятие, основные направления, принципы и приоритеты государственной политики в сфере образования, субъекты, уполномоченные определять, формулировать и реализовать такую политику. The article reviews the issues of the administrative and legal regulation of the state policy of Ukraine in the sphere of education. It was made an attempt to research administrative and legal regulation of the state policy of Ukraine in the sphere of education, to define the notion, essence and normative basis of administrative and legal regulation in this sphere, to disclose its specific deficiencies and also the notion, main directions, principles and priorities of state policy in the sphere of education, actors, authorized to define, form and implement such policy. Based on the analysis of approaches of different scholars the own definition of administrative and legal regulation of state policy of Ukraine in the sphere of education was proposed by author, which is understood as purposeful, resultative, normative and organizational influence on state policy, made by whole system of administrative and legal means, methods and forms, aimed to form and realized it according to the needs of effective development of individual, society, nation and state, ensuring national interests of Ukraine, integration of the educational sphere to international educational and scientific space. As a result of the research the normative basis of administrative and legal regulation of the state policy of Ukraine in the sphere of education was defined, which includes Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine, acts of the a President of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State service of quality of education, other central authorities of executive power which realized state policy of Ukraine in the sphere of education, National agency of ensuring the quality of high education, local authorities of executive power and local self-governments. The article researches actors of state educational policy, which define, form it, ensure the implementation and its realization, and proposes to amend the Law of Ukraine «On education» in part of defining such actors aimed to eliminate the contradictions between the norms of the law and constitutional norms, improve administrative and legal regulation of the state policy of Ukraine in the sphere of education.

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