
The article is devoted to generating a modern interpretation of the essential characteristic of strategic management of the development of labor potential. A comparative analysis of the evolution of scientists' approaches to the interpretation of the essential characteristics of the categories "strategic management" and "labor potential" in the period 2003-2018 was carried out. According to the results of the content analysis, the key features of the definitions of the categories "strategic management" and "labor potential" available in the scientific literature were identified, in particular: for the category "strategic management" – dynamism, openness, flexibility (adaptability), purposefulness, predictability (orientation towards the future), systematicity, cyclicality, complexity, long-term, attainability, effectiveness, availability of resources, compliance with the mission (visions, concepts); for the category "labor potential" – the unity of realized potential and unrealized potential, the unity of quantitative characteristics and qualitative characteristics, complex structure, multilevel, multifactor, turbulence, orientation towards achieving a goal (plan, result). On the basis of the synthesis of the identified key features of the definitions of the categories "strategic management" and "labor potential" available in the scientific literature, a modern interpretation of the essential characteristics of strategic management of the development of labor potential was generated as: strategic management of the development of labor potential is a dynamic systemic process of complex purposeful influence on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor potential carriers with the aim of ensuring the most effective realization of all components of labor potential and achieving long-term goals at the micro-, meso- and macro- levels in accordance with the mission (vision, concept) in conditions of turbulence of the external and internal environment and limited resources. The interpretation of the essential characteristics of strategic management of the development of labor potential offered by the authors is modern, because it takes into account the key features of the definitions of the categories "strategic management" and "labor potential". The modern interpretation of the essential characteristics of strategic management of the development of labor potential harmoniously complements the theoretical and scientific basis of the strategic management of the development of labor potential.

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