
Vaginitis is a gynecologic inflammatory disease that is characterized by multiple lesions occupying the mucous membrane of the vulva and the walls of the vagina. Rational etiotropic therapy for vaginal infection to be performed during pregnancy is a special problem, because nonspecific vaginitis increases the likelihood of premature rupture of membranes, chorionamionitis in childbirth, and development of purulent-inflammatory complications in the postpartum period. A prerequisite for antibiotic therapy during pregnancy is the drug safety for the mother and fetus, eradication of the pathogen and restoration of the impaired microcenosis of the vagina. The article describes the results of the use of Egis (Hungary) – Betadine in 57 pregnant women at the gestational age of 34–36 weeks, aged 19 to 38 years with the clinical signs of vaginitis. Our study showed a high efficacy of Betadine for the treatment of nonspecific vaginitis in pregnant women in as little as a month after therapy. The treatment results remained in the postpartum period, which ensured the absence of purulent-inflammatory complications in all patients included in the study. Betadine can be used as a drug of choice for the treatment of nonspecific vaginitis during pregnancy in the clinical obstetrician-gynaecologist practice.

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