
The article presents a study of the scientific works of leading researchers on physical education in institutions of higher education, which allow us to assert its insufficient humanistic and professional orientation, confirm the absence of a scientifically based model of the system of physical education in the country as a whole and specifically in each institution of higher education in accordance with its training profile. It is shown that during the development of educational and work programs for students of higher education in accordance with modern technologies, specialists of physical education departments of higher education institutions need to take into account the specifics of a specific future profession, as well as the gender and individual characteristics of those who study in connection with the heterogeneity of the student contingent . At the same time, the professional activity of information technology specialists is characterized, in addition to the presence of important mental and personal qualities inherent in general professional activity, as well as the presence of individual skills for working on or with a computer, as well as specific conditions of study and work, which impose an additional imprint on the structure of special applied physical training of students of higher education.
 It has been established that the issue of physical education of future information technology specialists is represented in the literature only by isolated studies, there are no centralized methodical instructions, recommendations, training manuals on issues of its organization in institutions of higher education. The attention of specialists was focused only on the study of the role of dexterity for the successful professional activity of specialists, and the importance of the mental characteristics of the development of the body of students of information specialties (attention, memory, etc.) during the performance of their professional duties was also shown. At the same time, there are no works aimed at researching the formation of motor skills and skills of a professional orientation in the process of physical education, taking into account the gender and the future specialty of an information technology specialist.

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