
Moderate Monism (MM) is the position that permanent, but not temporary, coincidence entails identity. Harold Noonan writes: According to the moderate monist if God creates ex nihilo (at t1) a bronze statue and later (at t10) annihilates it, destroying both the statue and the bronze of which it is composed (Scenario I), the statue and the bronze are identical. If, however, God simply radically reshapes the bronze at t10 (Scenario II) the statue ceases to exist and the piece of bronze survives, so despite their coincidence up to t10 the statue and the piece of bronze are two things. (Noonan 2008: 89) Moderate Monism has a striking limitation. If both three-dimensionalism (TD) and MM are true, there could be two whole unicorn statues standing before us, molecular duplicates, just one of which is identical to the underlying bronze. That's ontologically crazy, so MM and TD are incompatible (Stone 2005a).

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