
In order to establish congruence between brand-ergonym (BE) and advertising slogan (AS), three models of AS construction are offered in the work: the Functional model (Fm) is based on the exceptional informativeness of the slogan’s semantic field, its main goal is to provide comprehensive and adequate information on practical purpose. and differential features of the advertised product (activation of the left brain hemisphere due to the predominance of rational information, minimal suggestive effect); the Gestalt model (Gm) is based on the exceptional imagery of the verbalized information, thus its main purpose is to create an "associate image", which forms a bright associative connection with the advertised product in the mind of the AS addressee (activation of the right brain hemisphere due to too much emotional information, maximum suggestive effect); the Combined model integrates the elements of the Fm and Gm models with the priority of the features of one of them, where the elements of the Gm model often dominate. To identify and optimize the congruent relations between BE and AS, the authors introduce the semantic connectors (SC) - language units (word or phrase), which belong to a certain semantic field and indicate the affiliation of the potentially suggestive text marked by it; as well as the concepts of potential semantic field - the semantic field, to which, based on the content of the SC, one could potentially include to the AS marked by it; actual semantic field - a semantic field to which the recipient of the message directly includes the advertising slogan marked by a certain SC, based on their own associative connections. Basing on the results of the experiment, it was elicited that the functional slogan model (Fm) is usually characterized by the use of real SCs, since factual information requires specific vocabulary with semantics of statement / fixation of the fact that illustrates the uniqueness of the advertised product (eg, speed, longevity, health, technology, cold, throat, teeth, hair, cleanliness, digital technology, color, stability, etc.); the Gestalt slogan model (Gm) typically utilizes universal SCs, as emotional information requires the use of abstract (non-specific in NLP terminology) vocabulary (eg, desire, life, love, trust, freshness, excellence, etc.) or / or universal quantifiers (eg, always, never, everything, nothing); the Combined slogan model (Cm), which synthesizes Fm and Gm, is characterized by the use of the real SCs inherent fir the Fm, and universal SCs found in Gm in almost equal proportions (with a slightly greater advantage of universal ones), which gives grounds to determine the complex nature of Cm. The method of establishing congruence between the triad of basic components of the advertising message (BE, AS and SC) having been introduced in the work could be further designed to construct slogans of other advertising genres, which would help optimize their suggestive effect.

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