
Today, patronage is the key source of non-governmental support of the socio-cultural advancement of the state because, as the world’s practice shows, the state funding is often not enough for conserving and developing the national and cultural heritage. Across the world and Europe, increasing attention is paid to the traditions of charity, corporate philanthropy is in progress, and business ethics are growing. In developed countries, the pursuit of charity activity is caused by a high level of social responsibility of business entities. Both large corporations and wealthy people establish charitable funds or provide a good deal of money for relevant purposes. The problems of patronage or sponsorship as means for guaranteeing the realization of socio-cultural programmes, research initiatives and continual activity of not-for-profit organizations are topical and need an extension study in terms of conditions and prospects for the development. The purpose of the article is the analysis of the experience of administrative regulation of patronage and sponsorship in different countries and its growth potential in Ukraine in the context of international integration and scientific and technological progress. The situation is complicated by the fact that this regulatory scope has originated more recently in the world’s practice, and many problems remain unsettled. For example, let’s consider some forms of financial rewards used in the rest of the world. In the developed countries, there are models of cooperation with a private fund in the social, cultural, academic and other spheres of social life. They are as follows: the state as a leader; private fund as a leader; partnership and functional division of labour between the state and capital. In social practices, they usually co-exist with a dominant one of them. The first model prevails in France and Italy, the second – in the USA, the third – in the Federal Republic of Germany. Recently, there has been a gradual transition to the third model, which will become dominant in Western countries. Compared to Western Europe, there has been no moral rehabilitation of wealth in Ukraine, which has affected the motivation of charity. It is noteworthy that in the last decade, especially in European countries, state and state-social funds, which are financed using budget funds and the contributions of patrons, have been created. In general, analyzing various forms of patronage and sponsorship in the field of culture of the countries of the European region, it can be argued that in modern Western countries there is a sweeping trend to decrease direct state support of culture by indirect. The attraction of funds of entrepreneurs and non-governmental organizations in various forms is purposefully stimulated by state cultural policy, laws on patronage. In Ukraine, state intervention in the charity area is minimal. It is limited to the statutory regulation of charity activity, registration and accounting of charity organizations. At the same time, some specific normalization of patronage and sponsorship is next to none because it is distinguished among other charity activities mostly by patrons, sponsors, and mass media.

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