
The average bubble diameter and volumetric bubble flux give indications about the overall bed expansion in a fluidized bed. As these properties depend on the particle properties and fluidized bed regime, their accurate predictions have been a challenge. A new set of models for predicting the average bubble properties within the bubbling and slugging regimes in a deep fluidized bed is proposed, where bubble flux is modeled by G=U0−c(U0Umf)aUmf, bubble diameter is modeled by db=0.848G0.66D0.34 and transition velocity is modeled by UbsUmf=1+2.33Umf−0.027(φ0.35ctat−1)(h0D)−0.588. The models are developed using the information obtained from an experimental setup equipped with a dual-plane electrical capacitance tomography and a porous distributor plate. Although they are empirical, the proposed models are based on the two-phase theory used in describing the bubble flow in a fluidized bed. These models have been validated, and the results show that they can be used to predict the behavior in different regimes ...

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