
Use of common parts for different products (commonality) is important methods for managing product variety and preserving competitiveness in the age of mass customization and supply chain competition. In literature, the advantages of inclusion of common components in a product family are well established. Unfortunately, most of the works have been conducted via simulation or conceptual thinking. The mathematical models in the premises are not adequate for production, planning and control in multistage production. This paper focuses on the advancement of venerable manufacturing resources planning models by incorporating the part commonality concept in a multiproduct, multi-period and multistage manufacturing system under a deterministic situation. The models are validated with established MRPII models. The material requirement schedule for the basic MRP II and proposed models are compared. It is really a good matching shown between the two schedules. The later bearing additional information of the location where to be available the parts in a time frame. The effects of commonality on cost, capacity and requirement schedule are discussed based on the outcomes of the mathematical models executed with the available live data.

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