
Mechanical behavior of the austenitic stainless steel under monotonic and cyclic loading at room temperature has been mathematically predicted. Materials like SS 316 LN exhibit cyclic hardening behavior under cyclic loading. Based on the characteristics of yield surface, cyclic hardening can be classified into isotropic and kinematic hardening. Armstrong-Frederic model is used for predicting the kinematic hardening of this material. It is basically a five parameter, nonlinear kinematic hardening model. Cyclic tests for various ranges were carried out to derive the isotropic material parameter required for modeling. Kinematic hardening material parameter required for modeling were computed based on both monotonic tension and torsion tests. By using these parameters the developed program is able to model the mechanical behavior of austenitic stainless steel under monotonic and cyclic loading conditions at room temperature. Comparison of the predicted results with the experimental results shows that the kinematic hardening material parameters derived from the monotonic torsion tests were in good agreement than that of the monotonic tension tests. Also it is recommended to use more material parameter constitutive models to improve the accuracy of the mathematical predictions for the material behavior under cyclic loading.

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