
Deviations of the РТ parameters from the background values, corresponding to the lithostatic pressure and the standard geotherm characteristic of the neighboring crustal blocks of the Yenisei Ridge, were recorded by geothermobarometry in the zones of dislocation metamorphism of the Yenisei regional shear zone (Eastern Siberia). To explain the reason for large deviations from metamorphic conditions for shear and collision, we worked out 3D and 2D thermomechanical numerical models. The paper presents two- and three-dimensional models of dissipative heating during friction and visco-plastic deformations. The modelling results are compared with geological observations on the metamorphic grade and the scale of deformations of the Yenisei regional shear zone. A detailed consideration is being given to the ratio of heat released during friction at the contact of shear fault blocks, or during viscous deformations of the rheologically layered zone of tectonic flow and blastomylonitization. Estimates of the magnitude of dissipative heating are obtained for typical parameters of shear zones. The model of viscous deformation of a shear zone of finite width, taking into account the rheological layering of the crust, predicts dissipative heating by 200–310 °C at strain rates of 2–4 cm/year. The model of obduction of the tectonic plate with a thrusting velocity of 5 cm/year yields estimates of frictional heating of rocks at the contact of blocks no higher than 130–190 °C. The characteristic time period of the stationary dissipative regime formation is 6–8 million years. Dissipative heating could be a heat source for the metamorphic complexes of the Yenisei regional shear zone, though melting conditions of metapelite were not attained.


  • Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 3 Academician Koptyug Ave, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

  • The modelling results are compared with geological observations on the metamorphic grade and the scale of deformations of the Yenisei regional shear zone

  • A detailed consideration is being given to the ratio of heat released during friction at the contact of shear fault blocks, or during viscous deformations of the rheologically layered zone of tectonic flow and blastomylonitization

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Сибирский кратон

(а) – положение тектонических блоков на западной окраине Сибирского кратона; (б) – строение Приенисейской региональ­ ной сдвиговой зоны и положение бластомилонитовых комплексов. (а) – 2D модель фрикционного тепловыделения при надвиге тектонической пластины мощностью 20 или 30 км по листри­ ческому разлому. Кривая 1 показывает начальное распределение температуры в области; (б) – 3D модель тепловыделения при трении при движении двух блоков относительно вертикального разлома. Цель работы со­ стоит в определении величины нагрева и размеров температурных аномалий для двух разных механиз­ мов: 1) теплогенерации на контакте блоков, разделен­ ных одиночным разломом сдвигового или надвигового типа Гопластического тела с функцией текучести Хубера – Задача выделения тепла трения при сдвиге двух Мизеса [Korobeynikov et al, 2011]: блоков, контактирующих по вертикальной плоскости разлома, решалась в трехмерной постановке

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