
This paper describes an integrated approach for modeling flow and contaminant transport in hydraulically connected stream–aquifer systems. The code, FTSTREAM, extended the capabilities of the ground-water model, FTWORK, to incorporate chemical fate and transport in streams. Flow in the stream network is modeled as an unsteady, spatially varying flow, while transport modeling is based on a one-dimensional advection–dispersion equation. In addition to sorption and decay during transport in ground water, the model incorporates volatilization, settling and decay during transport in surface water. The interaction between surface water and ground water is accommodated by a leakage term and is implemented in the model using an iterative Picard-type procedure to ensure mass conservation across the interface between the two systems. The modeling approach is used to simulate contaminant transport in the Mad River, Ohio, which is hydraulically connected to a buried valley aquifer of sand and gravel outwash. The river is a receiving stream in the upstream part of the modeled area. Downstream, heavy pumping from a municipal well field causes the river to become a loosing stream. Induced infiltration from the river is responsible for a considerable portion of the well yield. The flow and transport model, developed for this study, simulates coupling between flow in the aquifer and the river. Hypothetical sources of contamination are introduced at selected locations in the upstream portion of the aquifer. The model is then used to simulate the expected transport in both the aquifer and the stream. A series of simulations elucidates the role of the river in facilitating the transport of the hypothetical contaminants in ground water and surface water. Effect of sorption, retardation and volatilization on contaminant transport is also examined for the case of the volatile organic compounds.

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