
The paper deals with the relevant problem of industrial development in Russia’s regions. For the economic development of regions at a qualitatively new level, innovative clusters are an effective form of organizing industrial business. The positive effects of clustering are achieved, first of all, by combining the scientific and production potential of the territory. To model the processes of interregional clustering, the method of spatial econometrics based on Moran’s indices was used. The results of the study show that a number of Russian regions have a high potential for the creation and development of interregional ties. The development of industrial clustering at the interregional level can help to level the socio-economic development of regions. Relations between promising regions and those being sharply inferior to them in development, in the form of clusters, can lead to synergistic effects. It has been established that interregional interaction in traditional industries, such as metallurgy and mechanical engineering, is not always mutually beneficial. Territories of catching-up development can become resource donors in such relations. The authors have noted the priority of supporting interregional clusters, including high-tech enterprises. High-tech manufacturing is an active link in value chains. Therefore, the formation of interregional clustering in this area should become a strategic direction of industrial policy.

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