
The article substantiates the relevance of developing competency-based tasks in literature for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education. As one of the options for the methodological implementation of the competency-based task, the case-study method is considered. Based on the analysis of pedagogical sources, the potential of using this method in the pedagogical practice of a literature teacher is substantiated. The result of the study is modeling the structure of lessons for the 8th grade, including the solution of a competency task (case) based on the analysis of the plot situation of the Christmas story of the modern writer for children A. A. Solonitsyn "Little Christmas tree is cold in winter". The proposed version of the competency-based task based on understanding the experience of characters in literature allows the teacher, firstly, to consolidate or develop the subject learning outcomes (knowledge of the features of the Christmas story genre), and secondly, to develop the skills of metasubject actions. It allows students to see the connection of the subject with life, social problems of modern society, to express personal qualities, values, and subjectivity when solving the case.

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